Economic Multipliers (99)
Do you know what these are?
They help CREATE wealth in systems.
Advertising is an economic multiplier if it lets people know what is available so they can make their lives easier.
I recently published some empty eNotebooks that were slated to be published in the end of October (June, 2013).
Even though I’ve noted that advertising is an economic multiplier, I don’t expect you to buy any of them: You probably already have enough note taking capabilities built into your electronic devices.
But ironically, even though I have no expectation that you’d buy any, I still want you to look because they feature font art: If you’re not the greatest artist in the world (I am not), font art can make you feel like you are. Free samples and previews provide a glimpse.
One of the reviewers noted that the eNotebooks that I put up aren’t worth buying because they have no sophisticated features. But I specifically designed the eNotebooks to be ‘minimalist’ parking spots for text only notes (which get backed up by when you sync with them): The documents take little space and are designed that way.
These eNotebooks were designed so a person would think about exactly how much information they needed to keep for a long period of time. They were also designed to accumulate the tidbits in life which many times end up on slips of paper like movies you might want to see, books you might want to read or music you might want to listen to. Easily searchable, especially if you add some keywords, the documents can be quite handy.
A person can get a colorful cover in multiple areas depending on their interests:
— Air — Along the Way — Art —
— Birds — Books — Care Guide —
— Celebrate! — Cook’s Corner — Family —
— The Garden — Gifts — Help! —
— Processes — Quotes — Sports —
— Stuff — Tech Tips — Water & Waves —
Over the last few years, I’ve worked on 6 design series (see P.S.(2) for dated revision):
— a Wired design — a Sky design (most recent) — a Celtic design — a Greek design — a Modern design (calendars portion) — a Mosaic design —
I have favorites based on the art and how much I’ve used them. Picking one from each design series, these are some of my favorites:
If you ever want to look at some of the font art for a whole series, search on: Osen Lisa Notes … a _______ Design (i.e. Osen Lisa Notes a Celtic Design).
If you ever want to look at, as an example, all the Wheels eNotebooks, search on: Osen Lisa notes wheels … AND then select: ‘All Editions’ if only one edition shows up.
I shouldn’t be advertising at my community development web site but what if you do decide to buy one of my eNotebooks AND it creates economic value for you? Or, what if my font art inspires you to work on some project which creates economic value for you or your community?
That is what economic multipliers are all about.
P.S. I’ve always been a ‘content’ oriented person. If you have allergies or get a lot of colds, my mini, mini ePub entitled: Acupressure: One Technique to Help Relieve and Prevent Sinus Pressure Buildup from Colds and Allergies would probably have more immediate value. And, in keeping with tradition, is it really good advertising to have a title this long?
P.S.(2) Revision: April, 2014, published Natural Design series