Economic Multipliers (86)
Do you know what these are?
They help CREATE wealth in systems.
The Future (by Al Gore) is an economic multiplier IF it gets read.
Some people don’t like Al Gore. For that reason alone, they’ll never read his book.
Other people think he makes too much money: If they buy his book, he’ll make more (borrow it from a library if this is your reason).
Some people think he’s too liberal or too Democrat, too green or too something.
Is the BOOK worth reading? I say yes.
It contains global snapshots, numbers and science that cut across many things that are going to affect the future of mankind whether we like it or not.
Early on, he comments on destructive espionage … not the kind of thing that tends to make people or nations stronger although I’ve heard rumors that if two men have ten buildings and five vehicles each and one man manages to burn down 4 of the other’s buildings and destroy 3 of his vehicles, he has won if the other man only manages to burn down 2 of his buildings and destroy 1 of his vehicles. (Or I suppose he’s ‘won’ until the other gentleman decides that he still needs to get ‘even.’)
Oddly, the book isn’t really about the future: It’s about today … and what many say the world could look like based on today’s numbers that, even when disputed, can’t be disputed much:
It’s hard to dispute a dry lakebed or expanding desertification when looking at aerial photos and hard to dispute people ‘on the move’ when they show up elsewhere because they can no longer make a living where they once lived.
It’s hard to dispute changes occurring in technology, food production, medicine and many other areas when products based on those things are showing up in doctor’s offices and on store shelves.
And, who can ignore the ‘change backs’ as products get pulled when some longterm (but not initially understood) damage needs to be ‘corrected.’
No one is holding a crystal ball.
The Future just says: Hey, here is what’s going on: Did you know about this? Do we need to be ‘responsive’ (or perhaps more ‘responsible’)?
Look at the numbers: He didn’t make them up and he lists his sources.
Disagree with every ‘fact’ in his book. Find numbers that you think are more accurate and think about those.
But think.
The articles at this site are ‘designed’ to provide ideas regarding what it means to create economic multipliers. If any person or nation builds a base of wealth and a tidal wave sweeps it away, there no longer is a base of wealth (unless all was heavily insured … and even then, other people bear the cost of the loss through their insurance).
If you do not understand the global shifts which could sweep your future away, you cannot be ‘responsive’ in a manner which prevents that from happening.
It’s February (2013) in Wisconsin and it has been raining (normally all snow). That might be an anomaly: Or, it might be ‘the future.’
I met a man one time who owned a boat. He noted that if everything went ‘haywire,’ he was just going to sail away. But every boat needs a safe harbor with an adequate food supply, access to health care or at least some help, the ability to buy, obtain or create products needed for maintenance and survival, the ability to weather any storms and, in the best of all worlds … no pirates.
I’m guessing that this gentleman owned a gun(s) but it’s always good to remember that ammunition only lasts for so long.
If everything ever does go ‘haywire,’ I expect the ‘world’ will start breathing and building again when the ammunition runs out.
Unfortunately, one of the first things that will probably be rebuilt is a munitions factory!